Fanny Crosby BLOG

Known as an American hymn writer and poetess, Fanny Crosby wrote over 9,000 hymns during her life. Many stories have been told about her. This little corner of the Internet is dedicated revealing a small gimpse to this remarkable woman.

Saturday, June 06, 2009

Fanny Crosby Biographies

I've added a new page on a lullaby I found at the Library of Congress.

Blog Entry dated 6/6/2009 3:18 PM

Many of her originals papers are are available for use at BGC Archives in Wheaton, Illinois, USA.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

New Photos added to website

I recently added some new images to the website. More text and images will be coming soon. There are new images on the bios and friends pages.

Saturday, October 21, 2006

Welcome to the Fanny Crosby Blog

This blog is for the many fans of renowned hymnist Fanny Crosby. When I created the first webpage in 1996 about this special woman that was a student and teacher at the NY Institute for Special Education, I had no clue how much love there was out there for this woman. Her hymns still are sung and her efforts on this earth are still felt. What was one brief page is now a complete website at that is always growing and expanding.

I am glad to finally have found a vehicle for other to express their faith and their passions for her hymns.